Krakatoa Resources Limited (ASX: $KTA) has announced the resumption of RC drilling at the ex-tantalum mine, King Tamba. The exploration crew and contractors have returned to the site to complete 22 RC drillholes, totaling approximately 2000m, within the next 14 days.
Drilling to date has returned significant pegmatite intersections from multiple drillholes as reported on 21 December 2023. The mineralogy of the pegmatites drilled so far has shown variable proportions of quartz, feldspar, and mica along with traces of accessory minerals such as fluorite and tourmaline in places. Multiple highly micaceous zones were intersected which shared visual similarities with the greisen altered surface samples taken from Wilsons prospect earlier in the year. Large pegmatites (>10m downhole width) generally showed good continuity across section, whilst smaller pegmatites tended to have a more erratic distribution and be less continuous. The presence of pegmatites does not confirm the presence of lithium mineralisation. Pegmatites are fractionated coarse grained igneous rocks commonly associated with lithium, caesium, and tantalum mineralisation; however, many pegmatites do not contain appreciable quantities of mineralisation. The presence of any mineralisation can only be confirmed with assaying.
Krakatoa Resources Limited (ASX: $KTA) has resumed RC drilling at the ex-tantalum mine, King Tamba, with 22 RC drillholes totaling approximately 2000m remaining to be completed within the next 14 days. The company reported significant pegmatite intersections from multiple drillholes, indicating variable mineral proportions. However, the presence of pegmatites does not confirm the presence of lithium mineralisation, and further assaying is required to confirm any mineralisation. The company's Phase 2 pegmatite exploration drilling program is progressing, and the results will provide valuable insights into the potential mineralisation at King Tamba.