Tamawood Limited (ASX: $TWD) has released its Appendix 4D - Interim Financial Report for the half year ended 31 December 2023. The company's current period spans from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023, with the previous corresponding period being 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022. The report includes details about the review of the interim dividend payable in June 2024, taking into account the impact of the inclement weather over the past 3 months.
The amount of the interim dividend payable in June 2024 will be reviewed in March 2024 to assess the impact of the inclement weather over the past 3 months. An explanation of the financial figures and dividends can be found in the Chairman's letter included within the attached directors' report. Additionally, the dividend reinvestment plan has been reinstated and is in place until further notice. There have been no changes to control over subsidiaries, associates, or joint venture entities during the half year.
Tamawood Limited (ASX: $TWD) has reviewed the interim dividend payable in June 2024 due to the impact of inclement weather over the past 3 months. The company has reinstated the dividend reinvestment plan until further notice. The report also confirms that there have been no changes to control over subsidiaries, associates, or joint venture entities during the half year. Shareholders can refer to the Chairman's letter in the attached directors' report for a detailed explanation of the financial figures and dividends. The company will continue to monitor the impact of inclement weather and aims to provide further updates in March 2024. Shareholders are encouraged to stay informed about the company's financial performance and dividend announcements.