Globe Metals & Mining Limited (ASX: $GBE) has reported further positive results from its metallurgical test work on the use of chlorination as a refining process for the recovery of Niobium, Tantalum, and other key metals from the Kanyika concentrate. The company has successfully extracted and separated Niobium/Tantalum using environmentally sustainable chlorination refining, with confirmation that the products contain no radiation as the radioactive materials are removed in the refining process. Additionally, >94% of the key Rare Earth Elements have been successfully extracted and separated as by-products of the niobium and tantalum refining process. Globe has commenced the construction of a Refinery Pilot Plant for the production of marketing samples to finalize key off-take agreements.
We are very pleased with the progress made in the metallurgical test work conducted so far. The successful floatation concentration of Kanyika ore, as announced recently, and the refinement of the concentrate through the environmentally conscious chlorination process, hold immense promise for Globe. Both the extraction and separation of all key metals have now been demonstrated as technically feasible, further bolstering our confidence in the process. We are very excited about the upcoming commissioning of the refinery pilot plant, and the production of high-purity marketing samples of niobium pentoxide, tantalum pentoxide, and rare earth element by-product for key industry off-take partners. This marks a major step forward in the development of our Kanyika project.
Globe Metals & Mining (ASX: $GBE) has made significant progress in the metallurgical test work on the use of chlorination as a refining process for the recovery of Niobium, Tantalum, and Rare Earth Elements from the Kanyika concentrate. The successful extraction and separation of these metals using environmentally sustainable chlorination refining, along with the absence of radiation in the final products, demonstrate the technical feasibility and environmental consciousness of the process. The upcoming production of high-purity marketing samples and the construction of a larger pilot plant refinery signify a major step forward in the development of the Kanyika project. With ambitions to become the first new globally significant niobium mine in 50 years, Globe aims to prioritize innovation and adherence to ESG principles, ensuring the production of 'green niobium' with a low carbon footprint and transformative refining process.