Helix Resources Ltd (ASX:HLX) has announced the commencement of a reverse-circulation (RC) drill program at the Bijoux prospect, located in the company's western tenements on the Rochford Copper Trend. The objective of the program is to identify additional copper mineralisation in a near surface setting with the potential to expand copper resources beyond the existing Canbelego Mineral Resource located 9km to the north.
Following a short weather delay, the drill rig is underway to Bijoux as planned. Drill results at Bijoux earlier this year produced some excellent copper intercepts of higher-grade oxide and sulphide copper mineralisation. This drill program will initially test directly north along strike of previous successful copper drill hits, and in an area with the highest copper surface geochemistry recorded to date. Helix is following up copper geochemistry targets to discover new CSA-style copper lodes within these anomalous outlines. CSA-style copper lodes are high-grade, vertically extensive bodies of copper that can be continuous to depths of 2 kilometres. Helix has proven that viable CSA-style copper lodes occur on our tenements such as the copper Mineral Resources in the Canbelego Main Lode. Helix considers active exploration of high-quality targets for new copper, gold, and base metal deposits will create value for shareholders.
Helix Resources Ltd (ASX:HLX) has initiated a reverse-circulation (RC) drill program at the Bijoux prospect to test recently defined high tenor copper zones. The company aims to identify additional copper mineralisation in a near surface setting with the potential to expand copper resources beyond the existing Canbelego Mineral Resource located 9km to the north. The program follows previous successful copper drill hits and aims to discover new CSA-style copper lodes within anomalous outlines. Helix believes that active exploration of high-quality targets for new copper, gold, and base metal deposits will create value for shareholders. The company's strategy is to generate new copper and gold targets and test them through drilling to make new discoveries.