Astral Resources (ASX:AAR) has reported strong in-fill drilling results for the cornerstone Theia deposit at the Mandilla Gold Project. The in-fill drilling demonstrated strong continuity within known gold mineralisation, supporting the upgrade from Inferred to Indicated status. The 70-hole (6,512 metre) in-fill reverse circulation (RC) drill program at the Theia deposit yielded promising assay results, including intersections of high-grade gold mineralisation.
As we move into the December Quarter, far from slowing down ahead of Christmas, we are increasing our exploration and drilling effort on multiple fronts in order to advance the Mandilla PFS as quickly as possible. The recent in-fill drill program at Theia was designed to ensure that the Stage 1 and Stage 2 pits had the necessary drill density to satisfy the requirement for the Mineral Resources in this area to be classified as Indicated. Our attention at Mandilla is now turning to an in-fill RC program at Iris, for which 90% of the Mineral Resource is currently categorised as Inferred. Additionally, four RC pre-collars have been completed at Theia ahead of the expected arrival of a diamond drill rig in late October which will complete four diamond tail in-fill tests to feed into an updated Theia MRE. This is an exciting time for the Company following the strongly supported institutional capital raise completed in late September. Astral now has the balance sheet strength to accelerate our exploration efforts at both Mandilla and Feysville and complete the necessary project studies as we advance towards becoming a plus 100,000oz pa gold producer in the heart of the Kalgoorlie Goldfields.
Astral Resources' in-fill drilling program at the Theia deposit has yielded promising assay results, supporting the upgrade from Inferred to Indicated status. The company's focus is now on an in-fill RC program at Iris and further drilling at Kamperman. The update to the Feysville Mineral Resource Estimate is expected shortly, and technical work streams at Feysville are aimed at collecting the necessary data to allow development of Feysville's gold deposits as part of the Mandilla PFS. With the institutional capital raise completed, Astral has the financial strength to accelerate exploration efforts and complete necessary project studies, aiming to become a plus 100,000oz pa gold producer in the Kalgoorlie Goldfields.