Beston Global Food Company (ASX: $BFC) has reported a consolidated statutory net loss before tax of $18.8 million for the half-year ended 31 December 2023, reflecting a $16.8 million unfavorable variance compared to the same period in 2022. The revenues from continuing operations decreased by 4.2% to $81 million, excluding approximately $6 million of sales to export customers. The net tangible assets for the half-year ended 31 December 2023 stood at $14.0 million, down from $73.5 million in the corresponding period of 2022.
The Company's financial performance in the first half of 2023 was challenging, with a significant net loss and a decrease in revenues from continuing operations. The decline in gross margins was primarily attributed to a high milk price relative to global commodity prices and inflationary pressure on the company's cost base. The Directors believe that the Group will continue as a going concern, subject to successful management of short-term cash flow requirements, operational forecast achievement, ongoing support from bankers or financiers, and the successful completion of the divestment of non-core operations. The Group is actively working to reduce inventory levels and manage working capital effectively over the next three months.
Beston Global Food Company (ASX: $BFC) faced a challenging first half of 2023, reporting a consolidated net loss before tax of $18.8 million and a 4.2% decrease in revenues from continuing operations. The net tangible assets for the period were $14.0 million. The Company's outlook emphasizes the need for successful management of short-term cash flow requirements, operational forecast achievement, ongoing support from bankers or financiers, and the successful completion of the divestment of non-core operations to ensure continuity as a going concern. The Group is actively working to reduce inventory levels and manage working capital effectively over the next three months. The Company's financial statements have been reviewed by Ernst & Young, who have not become aware of any matter that makes them believe the half-year financial report does not comply with the Corporations Act 2001 or give a true and fair view of the Group's financial position and performance for the half-year ended 31 December 2023.