CardieX Limited (ASX: $CDX) has successfully completed a significant fund-raising of $14m, comprising a Placement, an Entitlement Offer, and a Funding Commitment Agreement with C2 Ventures. Following the completion of the fund-raising package and dialogue with ASX, the Company's securities will recommence trading on ASX today, 26 February 2024. The Company has also achieved record YTD FY24 revenues, a profit for the period, and significant operational milestones.
We have successfully completed a significant fund-raising, which sets the framework for our path to sustainable profitability and the execution of our product development, market launch, and operational strategies. The $14m fund-raising package represents a substantial commitment from new and existing shareholders, family offices, and high net worth individuals. We are excited and confident in the opportunity ahead of us and remain strongly aligned with shareholders in ensuring the financial success of the Company and continuing our strong momentum.
CardieX (ASX: $CDX) has recommenced trading on ASX following the completion of a $14m fund-raising package. The Company has achieved record YTD FY24 revenues, a profit for the period, and significant operational milestones. With the fund-raising setting the framework for sustainable profitability and product development, CardieX is poised for a pivotal year as it launches the world's first vascular biomarker device and wearable technology. The Company's strong momentum and alignment with shareholders indicate a positive outlook for its future endeavors.