Element 25 Limited (ASX: $E25) is focused on building a global manganese business, operating the 100% owned Butcherbird Manganese Mine in Western Australia to produce high-quality manganese oxide concentrate. The company is also in the process of building a USA-based refinery to supply ethical battery-grade High Purity Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate (HPMSM) products. Element 25 has offtake and funding agreements in place with partners General Motors and Stellantis to supply HPMSM for Electric Vehicle batteries.
The presentation contains forward-looking statements and emphasizes the need for independent advice before making any investment decision. The company's leadership team, including Managing Director Justin Brown, Non-Executive Director Fanie van Jaarsveld, and Non-Executive Director Sam Lancuba, is committed to the strategic vision of sustainable supply to global EV markets.
Element 25 (ASX: $E25) is strategically positioned to supply sustainable manganese ore and HPMSM to global markets, with plans to expand its operations in the USA, EU, and Asia. The company's Butcherbird Expansion aims to build and commission a full commercial-scale processing facility at the Butcherbird Manganese Mine, while the construction of the first US HPMSM processing facility in Louisiana is underway. With the accelerating uptake of Electric Vehicles, Element 25's focus on providing ethically produced, low carbon, and scalable HPMSM for electric vehicle batteries aligns with the growing market demand. The company's strong financial results, competitive cost estimates, and competent person's statement further reinforce its position in the global manganese business.