Mako Gold Limited (ASX: $MKG) has announced the successful results of the complimentary test IP geophysical survey on the Ouangolodougou Permit, forming part of the Company's 100% owned Korhogo Project in Côte d'Ivoire. The survey has identified subsurface manganese, indicating potential wide manganese bands extending to considerable depths. The test-grid and single extension line identified IP anomalies coincident with manganese outcrops from mapping and/or manganese in drill holes, validating IP as a useful tool to identify sub-surface manganese.
We are delighted that the complimentary IP geophysical survey has proved to be successful in identifying manganese. The test-grid and single extension line identified IP anomalies coincident with manganese outcrops from mapping and/or manganese in drill holes. This confirms IP as a valid tool to identify sub-surface manganese, which is reassuring, considering the large areas on the permit that are devoid of outcrop. It is also very encouraging that the IP anomalies are strong to depths of 250m and that 4 of the 5 IP anomalies are over 100m in width. This increases our confidence that we have discovered what could potentially be a world class manganese deposit that extends for 8km along strike and could extend to at least 250m in depth.
The test IP geophysical survey at Mako Gold's Korhogo Project has successfully identified subsurface manganese, indicating potential wide manganese bands extending to considerable depths. The survey has outlined five strong chargeability anomalies that continue down to 250m, suggesting manganese mineralisation could extend from surface to at least 250m in depth. The company is seeking a potential strategic partnership on the Korhogo Manganese Project to focus on advancing the Napié Gold Project. Additionally, geological mapping and rock chip sampling are ongoing at new prospective areas for the Napié Project to generate new drill targets, following the discovery of new high-grade gold zones. Mako Gold remains committed to advancing its exploration efforts and evaluating potential opportunities for strategic partnerships to further its corporate strategy.