Renegade Exploration Limited (ASX: $RNX) has issued a default notice to Scharfe Holdings Inc's subsidiary Actium Resources Inc (Scharfe) for failing to make the final cash consideration payment of A$1 million by 30 November 2023 to acquire Renegade's Yukon Base Metal Project in Canada. Scharfe's failure to meet the payment terms has led to the potential loss of its right to acquire the project, as outlined in the revised Share Sale Agreement (SPA) announced on 28 July 2021.
Renegade Chairman Mr Robert Kirtlan stated, 'The Company has sharpened its focus on its Queensland assets since COVID but the Yukon Project in Canada offers considerable upside to the right company. We have opened discussions with other parties who have expressed interest in realizing the project's value.'
Renegade Exploration Limited (ASX: $RNX) has taken action against Scharfe Holdings Inc for failing to fulfill the payment obligations for the Yukon Base Metal Project. The company has indicated its willingness to explore alternative options to realize the project's value. Renegade's focus on its Queensland assets remains strong, and it sees potential in the Yukon Project for the right company. The company aims to continue discussions with interested parties and explore opportunities to maximize the project's potential.