Syrah Resources Limited (ASX: $SYR) has provided an update on the commissioning processes and the start of Active Anode Material (AAM) production at its 11.25ktpa AAM facility in Vidalia, Louisiana. The company expects AAM production at Vidalia to commence by the end of January 2024. The commissioning processes are well advanced or complete across all parts of the facility, including the key milling, purification, and furnaces process areas and equipment, with extensive involvement from Syrah's operations team as each area of the plant has been handed over.
The Vidalia operations team is fully staffed with more than 100 employees engaged in the commissioning process and ready to ramp-up operations and production at Vidalia. A further update on commissioning and start of AAM production at Vidalia will be provided prior to or with Syrah's December 2023 quarterly report later this month. - Shaun Verner, Managing Director
Syrah Resources Limited (ASX: $SYR) has made significant progress in the commissioning processes for AAM production at its Vidalia facility. Despite delays in the purification area due to optimization activities and unusual below freezing temperatures forecast at Vidalia, the company is working intensively with its vendors to safely complete wet commissioning. The heating cycle for the first furnace line has commenced in preparation for the production of finished AAM product. The company's vision is to be the world's leading supplier of superior quality graphite and anode material products, working closely with customers and the supply chain to add value in battery and industrial markets. The outlook for Syrah includes a focus on adding value in battery and industrial markets through its high-quality products and close collaboration with the supply chain and customers.