Walkabout Resources Limited (ASX:WKT) has reported a substantial increase in production levels at the Lindi Jumbo Graphite Project in Southeast Tanzania. The company achieved a record production of 94 bags of dry graphite concentrate in a single day during August, surpassing the theoretical break-even point. Sales orders are now prepared for export at competitive prices.
The Managing Director and CEO, Andrew Cunningham, highlighted the significant improvement in plant availability and utilization, emphasizing the focus on optimizing the value attributes of the Lindi Jumbo product. He expressed the importance of reaching the theoretical breakeven output point during the ramp-up phase and the project's ability to operate at the lowest end of the cost curve while achieving a higher basket price due to its high-grade deposit. Cunningham also expressed the company's anticipation of further increasing production and shipping high-quality products to global customers.
Walkabout Resources has demonstrated a remarkable increase in graphite production at the Lindi Jumbo Project, surpassing the theoretical break-even point and achieving record daily production. The company's focus on safety performance and continuous monitoring of operations has contributed to the successful ramp-up period. With sales orders ready for export and positive pricing achieved, Walkabout Resources anticipates a steady increase in daily output for the remainder of the quarter. The company's commitment to optimizing product purity, large flake retention, and screening efficiency reflects its ambitions to meet forecast market conditions for graphite products.