Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX:YRL) has confirmed high-grade mineralisation in the Quarter Moon Prospect as per the diamond drilling results received. The results from the three diamond holes completed across the prospect confirm multiple sub-parallel high-grade mineralised structures, with significant intercepts including 2.8m @ 5.9g/t Au from 105m in 24IWBRD0029, among others. These results build on the previously released RC results and suggest up to nine high-grade parallel structures occurring along 800m of strike within the host dolerite/mafic sequence.
Verifying high-grade mineralised structures at depth across Quarter Moon is a great outcome. Furthermore, confirming the geometry of the high-grade mineralised structures will enable the team to target future drilling with higher confidence. The team will now review the position of these mineralised structures relative to the dolerite host to develop potential targets for the next round of drilling. It should be noted that dolerite is an important host rock at the Jundee deposit further north in the Yandal belt. In addition to this, we have now completed the New England Granite RC drilling program on schedule and are looking forward to the results, which we expect to release in 4-6 weeks.
Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX:YRL) has received initial diamond drilling results from the Quarter Moon Prospect, confirming narrow high-grade mineralised structures. The results, combined with structural geological observations, suggest up to nine parallel mineralised structures along 800m of strike, many of which remain open along strike and at depth. The company is now conducting a detailed review to determine potential targets for the next round of drilling and is set to commence the first phase of AC drilling across the Caladan and Irulan target areas. Results from the New England Granite RC drilling program are expected in 4-6 weeks, indicating an active and promising outlook for the company's exploration activities.